Some advice for those about to march drum corps...

About to March Drum Corps?

 Some thoughts as you get ready for the summer. 

1) Accept the fact that 95% of your daily existence is out of your control and “Embrace the Suck!”  Things will be tough; that is what you signed up for. You will be pushed extremely hard; again, what you signed up for. It will be hot; it is summer. You will take cold showers; again, it is part of the deal. There will be crappy fields, crazy schedules, long bus rides, short EPL, frantic show warm-ups etc…Complaining about any of these things helps NO ONE! So, DON’T! EVER!!!! I mean it! 

2) You grow the most when you are out of your comfort zone. You are going to be uncomfortable and feel overwhelmed. Great! That is what makes drum corps fun, and why only a select type of person can do this crazy activity. You will, most definitely, grow this summer.

3) Your attitude and your performance are your greatest commodities to the drum corps. Everyone brings joy to a room, some when they enter and some when they leave. Which one will you be? What will your legacy be in the long history of this drum corps? Make every performance memorable by performing from your heart. Every performance also includes every rep.

4) Stay in PRESENT time. Focus on now. Your performance will always happen in the present. Dwelling on the past or worrying about the future only take away from your complete mental focus on the PRESENT. First time-Every time! Invest completely in every rep. Nothing else matters.

5) The goal is improvement and progress. Failure is a part of the learning process, but should be reduced through mental sharpness and relentless pursuit of improvement. Be determined to not let something happen again, but do not get upset. When emotions get involved, our rational brain shuts down, and so will your performance level.

6) Be your own best teacher. How good will the corps be, if everyone played and marched like you? Expect more from yourself and never settle.

7) If you are ever feeling down or frustrated, which will probably happen, picture yourself “under the helmet” walking into Lucas Oil for Finals. Everything will get better. I promise.

8) The staff is here to help, and part of helping is criticism and redirection. Do not take it personally; just get better.

9) Remember, you are entitled to NOTHING! You earned the right to work your tail off. That is it. Thousands have gone before you to provide you this opportunity and gift. You owe it to all of them to pay this gift forward. Fully invest in every rep and you will have an amazing summer.

10) Treasure every moment. It will be gone soon enough and this edition of your corps will not exist ever again in three months. Play! March! Perform! Believe! These memories will last a lifetime. 
"I firmly believe that any man's finest hour, the greatest fulfillment of all that he holds dear, is that moment when he has worked his heart out in a good cause and lies exhausted on the field of battle - victorious."  Vince Lombardi
Have a great summer! 


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